NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: A boy can dream

We have not heard a peep out of Ford, JT or the Matawa.  Just imagine if they have all sat down with each other and Teck to make this an all Canadian venture.  Roads and infra funded by the govts and the Matawa promise to behave and allow prosperity to come to their people.

The project is essentially derisked and a definite timeline is established. 

Whether Noront and Teck marry or Teck buys out Noront at a fair market price does not matter.

Well I guess for me I would rather stay onboard and ride this all the way as a long term investor in Canada.

I pray that the looming election can get JT in gear if that is what it takes for him to keep this all Canadian.

Just a boy dreaming.


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