NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: some more thoughts.

In my previous post regarding Mick Davis...RCF, I'd like to make a few more speculations.

Back in Nov.27, 2007....JP Morgan securities inc, signed on with Noront Resources

"JPMorgan's mandate will include the coordination of discussions with interested parties on a potential investment in, or acquisition of the company, at a time and on terms that produce the best possible value to Noront's shareholders"

...notice the words..."at a time ... and on terms that produce the best possible value to Noront shareholders."

Also notice potential investment in..

Did you guys and gals look carefully at the calender I posted that had the Mick Davis X2 business breakfast scheduled for Feb.24, 2014?

Did you notice the calender was put out by Aish Hampstead?

If you are Jewish and you want to make connections..you are affliated with Aish.

If you want to mingle with the likes of KirK Douglas, Cantor Fitzgerald, JP morgan, Rothschilds etc...you have to be part of the Aish "club."

Membership has it's advantages.

So, Mick Davis thinks "it's time"

He's raised 1.1 billion and wants to put it into something.

JP morgan stated back in 2007 that they will hold discussions with interested parties for potential investment at a time that's right.

Let's go back to the "club." Let's look at the AISH connections.

I'm sure JP Morgan would prefer to deal with a "club member."

Hmm..Mick Davis certainly fits the bill.

I had no idea he was Jewish until today.....when I spotted the Business Breakfast on the Calender.

"In a personal capacity, Mick is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Leadership Council of the United Kingdom, the umbrella body of the largest Jewish Charities and Institutions in the United Kingdom responsible for the strategic imperatives of UK Jewry. Prior to settling in the UK, Mick played an active role in Jewish communal affairs in South Africa, serving on the executive of the Union of Orthodox Synagogues "

Mick is a rock star in the mining world and an Aish club member. Membership has it's advantages.

Dec. 11 ..Noront suddenly comes out with

Noront reports that the company has changed its fiscal year end from April 30 to December 31, effective as of December 31, 2013. Accordingly, for the new fiscal 2013 period, the Company will report its annual consolidated financial statements for the eight month period ending December 31, 2013 compared to the twelve month period ended April 30, 2013.

also part of that was:

In addition, the Company's Board of Directors has granted options to acquire an aggregate of 3,620,000 common shares of Noront ("Common Shares") to directors, officers and employees, with an exercise price of $0.17 per Common Share"

here's my thoughts on this.

I found the Dec.11, 2013 sudden move ..weird at the time. It was mentioned.. it was to align themselves with producing companies. But they are not producing ...yet..and what was the urgency to do this Dec. 11??

What stuck out for me was the distribution of the options:

1) 3,620,000 where given out ...but 680,000 are still "unspoken for"

2) The usuals got an average of 200,00 each but these 2 names stood out.

Greg, Rieveley ...a whooping 650,000 @ .17 and Paul Semple a whooping 700,00 @ .17

Greg and Paul got more than 3x more than anyone else.

Dec 17/13 Dec 10/13 Rieveley, Gregory Robert Direct Ownership Options common shares 50 - Grant of options 650,000 $0.170
Dec 17/13 Dec 10/13 Semple, Paul G. Direct Ownership Options common shares 50 - Grant of options 700,000 $0.170


Were they working harder?

Or is this a potential payout? The options would be good for 1 year from end of employment.

I wonder about Mick Davis and the fact he's complied quite the team for X2...not to forget Trevor Reid , his CFO money guy.

Let's say for fun Mick joins forces with Noront in some way...could be that Trevor Reid would replace Greg Rieveley Noront CFO.

To me it seems like the sudden Dec. 11 700,000 options to Greg had to be justified in some way ..otherwise it would look downright weird to be giving him more than 3x what others got. So...put in the blurb about changing the year end to Dec. from April...make it look like Greg is slaving away with paperwork on Christmas day.

My gut says Greg will be leaving. Paul Semple...I'm not so sure about.

Happy New Year's Eve folks and Here's to a great upcoming 2014.


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