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Message: Re: Lilly to Discontinue Development of Evacetrapib

BDAZ, thank you very much for this information. I recall that anacetrapib/REVEAL had been discussed before so apologies if my question was redundant.

Your second paragraph is fascinating. Even without MACE reduction in DEFINE they are continuing with REVEAL.

We know that rvx-208 increases ApoA-l (functional HDL) and we know it reduces MACE particularly within patients with diabetes mellitus, CVD and low HDL.

I'm not a scientist (obvious to say the least) but the questions it raises to me are;

  1. Perhaps they continue because the length of the trail is required to see a real impact on MACE? i.e. it may work very slowly.
  2. Cannot Merck just measure the changes in ApoA-l in the test vs. control or do they have to wait to the end of the trial and see the actual MACE?
  3. Or do CETP inhibitors target a different type of HDL?
  4. Or if they are increasing ApoA-l is it possible that there are a number of types of ApoA-l and they may be building one that does not reduce MACE?

It is a remarkably complex area for someone who is not a scientists but also for scientific experts.

From a concerned citizen POV I hope they are successful but from an RVX investor POV I hope not and yet I sense that rvx-208 with it's cascading epigenetic effects seems to go far being just MACE in it's benefits.



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