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Message: Re: Lilly to Discontinue Development of Evacetrapib

BDAZ I already "recommended but" I also had to reply.

Your knowledge is remarkable to say the least.

Part of you post was "This is in contrast to RVX208, which increases ApoA-I gene expression/synthesis and generates new HDL particles. The majority opinion is that CETP inhibition leads to less functional HDL. Fortunately for RVX208, it raises HDL via a distinct mechanism and also has beneficial epigenetic effects on many other cardioprotective pathways."

So with anacetrapib or CETP inhibitors in general it seems like a quantity vs quality issue vs rvx-208. So anacetrapib seems to generate large amounts of HDL but it's quality or functionality is low. So if they need a trial of 30,000 patients over 4 years at a cost of $500 million to achieve statistical significance for MACE it suggests to me that the absolute risk reduction may be very small and yet statistically significant. And yet, if they achieve it then it will be perceived as "big news story".

In trying to get my head around the science as a layman one of the terms that seems to be very prevalent in diseases these days is "inflammation" and the other, perhaps related concept seems to be "oxidation". These terms seem to relate to molecular deterioration. Not sure why I think this but these conditions at a molecular level seem to be related to the "loss or giving up" of an electron which then reduces the functionality of the particular molecule/protein to link to other structures in carrying out it's functions. So your statement

  • "RVX208, which increases ApoA-I gene expression/synthesis and generates new HDL particles."

got me thinking that the function of rvx-208 is to basically replace old, oxidized HDL with healthy HDL.

I'm just rambling here trying to get my head around this so I do apologize to readers for what may be a gross mis-interpretation of the science. Please strighten me out here.

Anyway, my bottom line is that I am not too concerned about anacetrapib or CEPT inhibitors. Again I feel the comparison that BDAZ has provided fully reinforces my hope in rvx-208 and also the Resverlogix team as well the Zenith epigenetic platforms that have been developed for cancers.


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