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Message: Outfits like ActiveWallStreet....

If you go to their disclaimer page they make it very clear, they're a promotional company....put another way, they're into advertising.  

Active Wall Street produces sponsored awareness reports on profiled equities. We are engaged in the business of marketing and advertising companies for compensation as well as selling subscriptions to investment newsletters. The sponsored awareness reports should be viewed as paid advertisements. The information contained within them is for informational purposes only. The reports should not be construed as independent or unbiased research reports. If successful, the reports will increase investor and market awareness, which may result in increased numbers of shareholders owning and trading the common stock of the company discussed, increased trading volumes, and possibly increased share price.


I do not believe they have been retained by Resverlogix to be profiled and have sent an email to IR asking for confirmation of that belief.  

Companies like this need to collect email addresses, the bigger their data base the better they're able to attract business in my opinion.  If they can collect 1 million+ verfied emails they can use that to sell themselves as a promoter capable of moving volume into a stock.

I have seen them before on other stocks I own or have owned.....

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