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Message: Re: Outfits like ActiveWallStreet....

You just reminded me to check my inbox SomeConcerns.....nope, no answer yet as to whether they've engaged this ActiveWallStreet shop.  Although as I already stated, I don't think they are.....AWS seems to be one of those shops that send out email blasts on companies that pay them for promotion.  

On the other hand the "analysts" that have been engaged by Resverlogix, like Leuwenwhatever and StoneGate, they appear to me to be simply providing a service in writing what I consider a "quasi independent" report....but they're not promoting their research from what I can see.  Us whiny retail holders clamour for analysis so to keep us placated the company hires outfits like this imo, not to promote the stock, but to satisfy shareholder desire for information.

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