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Message: Hoping for news on the loan tomorrow...Near Term Risk assessment

Enough about my bald pate, on to more important matters.

The way I see things there are a number of risks....and the most pressing risk is lack of financing.  That has to go through or we're sunk in my eyes....if not completely sunk, then damn close.    

I don't see how we could pass the TSX listing review without it, which would mean RVX perhaps being listed on the Venture or CSE....or just sticking with the OTCBB listing.  I don't know what would happen if the only listing was the US OTC.  Would our shares convert to RVXCF?  I don't know the answer, that would be new territory for me and I'd rather not go there in any case.  

Assuming the loan does go through, and RVX remains listed on the TSX...that isn't the end of the risks however.

-SSRA confirmation that the trial is indeed properly powered.  Its one thing for the company CEO to say it during an investor presentation, quite another for it to be made official. 

-Top line data.  Will it be good?  Being optimistic is all well and good, but its still an unknown.

After that of course there are still more risks, but one hurdle at a time. 

The loan was announced on April 11th at the start of trading as per stockwatch, and the trading that day demonstrated that the market was not worried about it.  In fact the PPS closed up from the previous day, by $0.09 cents.  That could be viewed as a positive reaction, although the low volume of only 30 odd thousand that day mitigates an overly bullish assessment for me.  

Of significance in my view is that news of the loan did not result in a short attack, as seems to have happened in the wake of the prospectus filing for the proposed share offering on April 17th.  

Come on Donny.....let's see news that the loan has been finalized.  And a nice bonus would be further news that the proposed share offering is no longer under consideration. 

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