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Message: Canadian Securities Administrators

Where is the CSA (Canadian Securities Administrators)?

Seems it would only take one Canadian complaint or maybe a few to start an investigation.

Just a thought, appears China through HL maybe behind not moving forward.  Sights on gaining complete control, transferring control to the Homeland, leaving an office in Calgary and into North America.  I recall China has the largest percentage of population with Type II.  A true benefit to millions.

But again, where is Eastern Capital Limited?  They were the first to begin Phase 1 funding.

A little late for this, the real assets in RVX were the employees.  They created Apabetalone and about 30 other compounds based on the same concept, Epigenetics.  All gone now.

Too bad DM was not one of those scientists, just another entrepreneur looking for a fast buck.  His dream is gone and ours as well.

The eventual buyer could have a real gold mine.  Even then HL would be in a bidding war with BP.  Hope the buyer can and does bring this to market soon.  Too many people throughout the world are ready to benefit.  Very sad, one person can stop this advancement.  sidebar

What a waste.

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