Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Banned members

I will not get into details but what I had in mind was the comments Sulfer Bob made up. He made a lot out of that and a few other comments without having one speck of evidence other than a "fear" that it might. No scientific evidence whatsoever to support his claim. That to me is manufactured. Zenyatta graphite is being tested thourally by several labs and they all praise this graphite. Not one hint that is negative. As well there are many scietific tests through close to 40 who have agreements with Zenyatta. While we have not heard much and I doubt we will, they are asking for more to test. Why continue to test if this graphite has no future?

My point is there is nothing to support those who are continually being negative with ZEN! There will be more news to come for sure that some are looking for. If you want to wait for it, that's fine. We still live in a free country.

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