Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Banned members

I must admit that I more or less tuned Bob out for many of his posts, so I'm not sure what to say about that. I do know he called the 75% recovery in the PEA almost exactly, though.

You say there is nothing to support the continued negativity. You're talking as an owner with that statement. There are lots of things that are negative for ZEN. How have they gone through $20 million and still need to refine their process? Why do the insiders continually decline to purchase shares to support the company? Why have no end users stepped up with cash? By the way, I believe you said that all was positive with the end user testing. You've heard from 2, I believe, Ballard and Ben Gurion U, which I'm not sure would count as an end user just yet. The other thirty-something have indicated nothing. If things were positive, mention would have been made. Negative reviews would just be shunted aside. And it's been over 3 years for some of these guys. As an owner, you say it takes time. As an ex-owner, I say they're not interested. Who's right?

In one recent post of yours, you say the price will correct itself and people should hold tight to their shares. How do you know that? Is that something you should be advising people to do? It might make them feel a little better about their investment, seeing someone else who thinks like them. But people were saying that, and doing that, all the time it was falling to less than 15% of it's all time high in 2013. That advice wasn't good for all that time. Why is it good now?

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