Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Trip down memory lane...that is still close to reality today

A good friend of mine sent me a post I wrote over 3 years ago and it was interesting how well it still lined up today...I updated some numbers to keep it more up to date including 65M shares:

1.5M tons at $8000 per ton gives us $12B In Situe

Buy out at 5%: $9.23
Buy out at 7.5%: $13.85
Buy out at 10%: $18.46

1.5M tons at $12000 per ton gives us $18B In Situe
Buy out at 5%: $13.85
Buy out at 7.5% $20.77
Buy out at 10% $27.70

1.5M tons at $16,000 per ton gives us $24B In Situe

Buy out at 5%: $18.46
Buy out at 7.5%: $27.69
Buy out at 10%: $36.92

And in a dream scenario where we get nuclear grade...Or what we now call graphene

1.5M tons at $30,000 per ton gives us $45B In Situe

Buy out at 5%: $34.62
Buy out at 7.5%: $51.92
Buy out at 10%: $69.23

Now, I did not use USD prices or the prices per gram for graphene so you could say there is upside to my numbers ;)

Choo Choo,


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