Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Trip down memory lane...that is still close to reality today

Mara being an insider is in the hands of competent Securities lawyers. It may go one way, it may go the other, but as of late last week, there was no decision yet. Your sanctimonious tone and lecture is noted but has no bearing yet.

As for my speculation on In Situ value, they are speculations. That is what we who invest in venture plays do. You can disagree with my numbers, methodology, lack of this or that, but I do have a right to express them and you are free to point out the errors of my ways, it is a free country.

Have a good night sir and...Choo Choo!


PS: Mara was hired on August 18th, more than a month ago, if it was such a slam dunk for her to be an insider, you would they would have her listed by now, it has been over a month and still no sign of her being a declared insider.

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