Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: A Question to Ponder ....Useful/relevent read from today's Investorintel
Nov 17, 2016 08:43AM
"A company can build a patent portfolio by doing its own R&D or buying intellectual property created by other organisations and stake a protected claim on market segments it chooses to target. The wise investor will know that just having lots of patents is not necessarily a sign of commercial success. The majority of the patents out there will never create value. To do this they need to protect applications of graphene that solve a particular customer problem better than alternative solutions so that customers will be prepared to pay a premium for the graphene product that gives them the benefit." http://investorintel.com/market-analysis-intel/identify-successful-graphene-business/ .....Peter
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