Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: financing

I guess that would be the stand by warrants available during the rights offering? There are 982,567 warrants priced at $0.83, expiring June 11, 2018.



To say these warrants will be "ready to be exercised" is quite optimistic. It will be tough sledding to get the share price to rise over 33% in about 2 weeks. There will be some people who will buy in, perhaps even at a small loss, because they want to help the company. But most investors will want the share price to be significantly above .83 before they'll buy. Others may have bought into the pp, and not want more. But unless the share price rises dramatically, it's a moot point. Nobody pays 83 cents for a 60 cent stock.

And regardless of price, I wouldn't count on Aubrey's 33000 warrants providing any cash, would you?

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