Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: week 6
Jun 18, 2018 12:14PM
Jun 18, 2018 04:30PM
Jun 18, 2018 05:37PM

Hi friend Canseco

I really have trouble understanding why people think it's so strange that I have an interest in ZEN. I owned this stock for 3 years. It was my largest holding, by far. It was going to fund my retirement. Why wouldn't I want to see how it evolves? When you read a book, or watch a movie, you read or watch it to the end because you like the story. Same thing applies here.

I'm not trying to save anybody, Canseco. Most of my posts are negative because that is currently how I view ZEN's prospects (I did sell, after all, remember?). If you read my posts when I owned ZEN, most would be positive. Doesn't that make perfect sense? And there truly were way more positives to discuss in the early going than there are now.

And as for the story, not too many stocks have had the eventful life of ZEN. From the initial fantastic run, to the Seeking Alpha attacks, accompanied by shorting, to the Cliffs selling debacle, to PEA delays, met delays, and now the changes on the board. I truly want to see how things progress from here.

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