Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Bound to happen

Constructive, researched criticism is always valid. However when someone joins the site and his/her first post is a passive bash claiming to be a long time "Zenner", but completely false- that should be called what it is. How long would it have taken for long time "Zenner" Smoopie to research his/her main point and realize it's completely false? Instead he/she throw's out a false accusation, creates some investor alarm then cries "foul" when someone says he/she is a passive basher. Others rush to his/her defence with the "people should be allowed to ask questions" defence. It's a tiring game. Do some research before you post garbage!

From the September 28 NR- readily available on the website. Thanks to Tturner on another site for highlighting.

Please note. his claims of ZEN only having rights for 18 months is incorrect- they have an agreement with the good doctor and Guelph to exclusive rights to the exfoliation method- no expiry.

"As reported in the November 14, 2019 news release, ZEN signed an 18-month exclusive initial option agreement with Guelph for intellectual property regarding the ECE process that was being developed by Prof. Aicheng Chen and his group. The current exclusive global license agreement with Guelph formalizes and extends this initial option agreement which now has no expiry providing that all agreed payments continue to be made on an annual basis."

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