Message: Compensation distribution from licensing deals ?
Jul 12, 2016 11:32AM
Jul 12, 2016 01:06PM

In the event of some significant deal or deals (hopefully) in the not too distant future, it would seem that there must be some sort of special compensation set up for the few employees of the company to reward them for their efforts, especially the inventor and the CEO. If the inventor is not management his transactions would not be required to be reported (I am guessing)

They don't need me to look out for them but it seems that if they don't own stock they only get paychecks for their efforts. Which seems somehow out of sorts.

Also were the lawyers hourly or contingent? If hourly will they be given a separate bonus for each deal?

I am assuming that this will all be in the next 10K when the accounting is made clear including the amount of the licenses and whether or not royalties were included in the deals.

Sure would be nice to have a little light on the subject matter earlier rather than later.

Thanks for any shared thoughts or specific knowledge.

Jul 12, 2016 07:24PM
Jul 13, 2016 02:24PM
Jul 13, 2016 02:38PM
Jul 13, 2016 05:42PM
Jul 13, 2016 07:07PM
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