Message: Re: Financial reporting / revenue mention or not
Nov 23, 2016 12:38PM

 Totally agree. Been there and done that. On the other hand too much of a lack of optimism can lead to pessimism. It is about balance, IMO. We could use a shot of optimism tea right about now. We don't need a punch bowl full, just a cup full would satisfy the thirst. Then there is reality of what is possible.

I am sure Fred and team are aware of many of the missing puzzle pieces and recognize that they are missing to us as a safe guard until things are more certain. Until things are more certain we must have patience and make do with drinking something more soothing like camamile tea or having a strong shot of whiskey......

Just because some puzzle pieces are not visible doesn't mean they are not visible to some, like the two new board members.

Sometimes the whole puzzle picture can be seen with fewer pieces revealed. Think "Wheel of Fortune" and the contestants that can solve puzzle with just a few letters revealed. Think about "Name That Tune", sometimes in just one note someone knows and can name the song. 

We have many visible pieces here with EDIG and I remain optimistic...


Nov 23, 2016 01:19PM

Nov 23, 2016 02:27PM
Nov 23, 2016 02:59PM
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