Message: Re: From recent Form 10 - Q
Nov 23, 2016 12:38PM
Nov 23, 2016 01:19PM

Nov 23, 2016 02:27PM

Well, I don't comment very often but this seems like that this issue merits at least question/comment...


First a question...

I have to confess that while I have a fairly substantial collection of shares I don't follow the company's detailed comings and goings as much as I should..  

My question is - Does anyone recall seeing this particular statement cited in any of the company's previous public filings?  To be honest, I don't ever recall seeing anything like it before.


Then you have...

Number One - Handel restructures its compensation agreement with Edigital

Number Two - Edigital brings on 2 new directors, at least one of which, to my recollection has M&A experience.  Can't recall if the other one did or not.


Maybe someone on the list knows the answer to this one, yeah, I know I said just one question but sometimes I get carried away - When exactly does a company's action become a reportable event?  When they enter into discussions about a buyout/merger; When they sign an MOU; When an offer is actually made?  Don't know about that either.  


Well, anyway, maybe that, at least, gives some folks something to think about while they're enjoying their turkey feast tomorrow?  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  May the next year be more profitable than the last!




Just kinda sets my Spidey Sense to tingling...

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