Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Future of Copper
Apr 15, 2015 08:09AM
Apr 15, 2015 09:34AM
Apr 15, 2015 10:21AM

Hi, there, Mr. lvargas. I'm happy to offer some form of a reply to your questions, but these are difficult to address for a number of reasons. Firstly, anything any company says about it's future should be taken with a grain of salt, especially when it comes from an exploration-phase mining company.

Please remember that all stock companies are in the sales business, no matter what their product or service. That is, THE most important thing they have to attract investors is good expectations for the future, and this is especially so for exploration-phase miners. It also means there is always some level of promotion in whatever a company says - more in some cases and less in others.

Not long ago, JB offered his expectation (not promise) that Genesis would be in a position to close the deal in June (or by June, I forget which). Certainly he can't and will not guarantee that, and I don't think we know what conditions Genesis must fulfill to be in a position to do so (or even if they can do so in a timely manner). For instance, do they need acquisition and delivery of equipment, or personnel, or completion of an off-take agreement, financining, some combination of these and/or other things? I don't think we can know, and I don't think Genesis is willing to reveal anything in these regards.

Do I think the deal will close in June? I can only shrug and cross my fingers, and remind myself that nothing happens quite as expected in the mining business.

How will the closing benefit LBSR and "future HMSP development and production"? If the deal closes, LBSR will move out of the category of being a simple exploration company, one among thousands, to being an income producer once royalties begin to flow. In the meantime they will have installment payments refunding initial costs - 25 million. That will certainly cover operating overhead for a long time, and maybe leave something left over for advancing other work. They will still need a partner to advance a property into a drilling program. ...but operating costs will be covered, which is not the case for most exploration-phase mining companies in this market. That alone will set this company apart, and raise it's profile among a new class of investors who should bid up the share price, even if current shareholders don't - but many will, I think.

Should you buy more shares? Please don't take offense, but I'm not a financial advisor and can not answer that question, there is so much to consider. Stocks such as this should represent only a tiny fraction of your overall net worth, if anything at all. This is particularly so if you don't know anything about this market sector, or markets/business in general.

I would suggest very stronly that you join an investment club to start learning about stocks, and/or take a free course or two on investing at a local community college. Do not rely on message boards such as this for your investment decisions.

Hope this helps, though I suspect this is not what you wanted to hear.

Apr 16, 2015 12:48PM
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