Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Metals prices

Copper prices continue to skyrocket- currently at 2.67- been over 2.70. In the past I've posted the Kitco charts, but "tinypics" doesn't seem to work on Agoracom currently. It is quite impressive to see that curve. I don't know that this will continue, and JB has pointed out that near horizon copper prices don't matter much (at least when prices are down) since this is a long term game. But I can't help but think that this may change the psychology and possibly bring new interest and new players into the game. That is- "Gee- look at that copper price heading up- where is a good copper play?"- and they might start looking and whereas before they might not think to give a glance- now they may become aware of LBSR and look our way. The psychology couldn't have been any worse before. Hopefully it is changing for the better.

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