Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology


May 02, 2017 05:28PM

May 02, 2017 05:52PM

May 02, 2017 07:59PM
May 02, 2017 08:01PM

Willie, lets forget "Stardust" for the moment or the next year for that matter.  I do know that we dont like what ifs in the elemental factor of investing in Jr EXP companies, but it falls most of the time into that factor by what seems to be the "nature of the Beast" or call it "destiny", so we dare to plunge our earnings into these RABBIT holes.  Just remember W.Buffet sez be BOLD when others are afraid, so thats what we do.  Saying that to JUSTIFY saying this.  What IF we/LBSR,CEO James Briscoe gets the Silver Bell East back up to speed?  One can only imaging, but for my money the S.Belle is a go.  My DD pegs me spot on in the call as on my DD venturing I find a not "so" Junior Canadian that has already done massive amounts of geo EXP work right up to the Boarders of the S.Belle and it isnt ASARCO or Mitsu.  I wont give the NAME as i said "ITS my rabbit HOLE".  However said that only to note i do not give misleading info from my DDing BUT i do expect that we are very exhaustive in our studies.  Said that to confirm that IMO Silver Belle claimset is the real deal.  NEXT question is (?) could a deal on the S.Belle generate the funds to set the Hay Mountain in motion with DRILLING PHASE 1), who would have the most interest to make a deal with JB over the S.Belle?  My hunch is our neighbor would be first in line if they have any common sence left in em! 

May 03, 2017 12:24PM
May 03, 2017 12:35PM
May 03, 2017 03:11PM
May 03, 2017 03:57PM
May 03, 2017 04:23PM

May 03, 2017 04:32PM
May 03, 2017 05:22PM

May 03, 2017 06:15PM
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