One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

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Message: Re: Confessions of a Nudge

Sep 17, 2012 02:38PM

Sep 17, 2012 02:47PM

Sep 18, 2012 07:44PM

Sep 18, 2012 07:45PM

Sep 18, 2012 11:34PM

PYPR, I have a few things that would benefit us. We would learn that golf is a great exercise if we don't use golf carts, How to travel all over the world, and accomplish nothing on America's dime, how to have our money taken from us to feed free education to all including illegal aliens, free birth control, welfare to those with out handicaps with out doing some sort of work, creating more shovel ready jobs that keep people working rather than create new jobs, etc. I would learn to be a taker rather than a giver. I would also learn to be a giver, not by free will, but by haveng it taken from me. I could keep going on and on and on, but we get the drift. I work on the street feeding the homeless, and it amazes me when we are serving food, how picky people get when selecting the type of food they want, the type of clothes etc. The point that I want to make, is that if you're hungry, you take anything for nurishment and clothes to cover up. I see some folks that are truely thankful for what they recieve, but the majority are takers (leakers) because the food and clothing are there, not that they need them. We can't pick and choose who needs these things, so everyone is responsible for their own actions. I cxan tell you that our poor are very rich compared to third world countries.

Sep 20, 2012 12:56AM

Sep 20, 2012 12:57AM

Sep 20, 2012 09:53AM

Sep 20, 2012 05:03PM

Sep 20, 2012 05:27PM

Sep 21, 2012 09:23AM

Sep 21, 2012 10:57AM

Sep 21, 2012 10:58AM

Sep 21, 2012 10:59AM
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