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Message: Re: Confessions of a Nudge

Sep 17, 2012 02:38PM

Sep 17, 2012 02:47PM

Sep 18, 2012 07:44PM

Sep 18, 2012 07:45PM

Sep 18, 2012 11:34PM

Sep 20, 2012 12:56AM

You know It could be entertainment . But there's a lack of sense of humor on this board. I've tried to take some folks seriuos and when I reach out and offer to clean up my act they avoid coaching, they side step. So I don't see much support or potential for entertainment. I' support you. And keep things short. It would be great if we colud have some fun. Let;s face it the foundation of our democracy is that reasonable people can disagree.

I'm ready to work up some enthusiam for your initiative. I have found however that folks want to win. Hell I simply asked them to help me with the proofing features they haven't responded. They're tripped up by their egos. I hope they lighten up.

How about a fictionalized world or a fanasty polticial party. Make some kind of game.

I don't want to get in tic for tat. I'll follow your lead. Send out a message that would be an example of your proposal

Sep 20, 2012 09:53AM

Sep 20, 2012 05:03PM

Sep 20, 2012 05:27PM

Sep 21, 2012 09:23AM

Sep 21, 2012 10:57AM

Sep 21, 2012 10:58AM

Sep 21, 2012 10:59AM
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