One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


ALTON, I'll let the age remark pass right over my (and Old guy's) head. The deal with "The Donald" is as follows. We need such a shake up with the people running our government (both parties) because we're going no where but down. I fear--no I know--we have lost respect throughout the world. We're broke--and most of the politicians are beholden to special interests that helped get them elected. Donald, although being far from perfect, is one of the least burdened in owing favors and pay-backs to others. He is a renigade. He is not a debater. If we wanted great debaters to be our president, we could go back and recruit the past winners of the debating contests from our finest universities. We don't want that. What Trump brings to the table is the ability to bring together experts in finance,defense, foreign affairs etc. etc. NOT EXPERTS IN POLITICS--They are killing us. Many of the politicians making laws and governing this nation, have not run so much as a lemonade stand--and I'm talking from the top down--if you get my drift.Trump has made his share of mistakes running his businesses.What successful person hasn't. But..think of our Congress---It's a bunch of people worried about getting re-elected by the people from the state that put them in office. We need to get our economy working--I mean really working. Does anyone out there believe that the REAL unemployment rate is only 5%? Screw that calculation. If the government wants to continue that outdated nonsensical calculation so be it. BUT they should be forced to publish the REAL % at the same time. The old one will soon blow away like Henry Ford's Model T--as it should. Sooo, we need to get the economy growing, we need to re-gain our respect as a nation and then we in this country --along with other civililized countries ( since rising tides will raise many--not all in this case-- boats) can have their citizens financially able to travel ----especially to Oman--and enjoy "The House That Frank ..(and his merry band of stockholder's) Built". Enjoy the Super Bowl and let's hope that Lady Gaga--born in Manhattan NYC--knocks our National Anthem out of the park. The gold standard to beat is Whitney Houston's 1991 performance--just as the USA was kickin tail in Desert Storm, Bill.

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