Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Maybe news

Brock 1 just had a post pulled by Agoracom or his self. It was not by any hub leader and it was in violation. Its alright to discuss the frustration, but for our sake, don,t let it turn to name calling and accusations.

The unknown is a bad thing right now, its playing with peoples emotions. But as bad as the unknown may seem, it still could be a good unknown. I agree with BOWS post, that nothing has factually been changed with the fundamentals. Maybe we shouldn,t jump the gun here until we have something concrete.

Someone here said they will call the office tomorrow and report back here. Instead of letting wild imagination get the best of you, why not wait a few hours for some conrete info from the office?

Its not gonna make things better by getting emotional on this board, the consolation that is needed will/can,t come from here. Please realize that.

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