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Message: Re: Field Assay
Dec 13, 2011 02:06PM

Rawk, feel free about bursting any bubble, get it out there for discussion, it can help us all.

My take on field assays,

I have seen pictures on our website of informales panning gold out of a non-sample to get a gold grade. I have read several references to the informale,s being able to give an estimate gold grade, in our reports, etc.

I believe Lori means that assays have to be done by an accredited lab, to be recognized by the TSX and to be 43-101 compliant. She may also mean that any samples deemed important, has to be done by a lab, so the accuracy can be counted on.

Field testing, which may be a more appropriate term for what the informales do, can still be done on non-sample material if desired, it just cannot be used in any tech reports, etc.

For our drill cores/trenching samples, there would be zero informale testing on these. I also believe that informale testing now would be very limited but could still be done on certain specimens that are not labled as samples, for example; a piece of vein left behind after a bulk sample has been taken.

Most of the informale testing was done in the early stages of exploration during surface exploration and mining.They are still very good at visible gold grade estimation, and this could be used by a geo on site as an informative contribution when wondering what a sample may grade. But for this, you need to be able to see the gold, as I have mentioned before, I have seen half a drill core piece that assayed over 200 g/t, and you could not see visible gold in this, this is where you need the lab.

Just my opinion

Dec 13, 2011 03:52PM
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