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Message: Re: GO! Re: Things to think about
Jan 16, 2012 09:39PM
Jan 16, 2012 09:40PM
Jan 16, 2012 09:56PM
Jan 16, 2012 10:04PM
Jan 16, 2012 10:20PM
Jan 16, 2012 10:41PM

As far as I know what we asked for was an update not assays so Im not sure why she veered from her plan. I cant speak for the emails and phone calls that may have had an effect as I didnt send/make any. If thats what the majority asked for and got then so be it majority rules. I doubt Lori would crack that easily and thats probably why the NR was the way it was imo. How do we even know that this release was from pressure and not some part of her strategy? She stated she would be holding all assays until each phase was complete at the agm. This release of assays kind of shows that she still is (if theres info missing how much info IS missing). Now about the clarification. lets not get so sensitive. If she is going to put out a release such as this and states she will clarify.. why does it seem to be such an issue with some when we want it? Nobody is trying to bully lori into divulging info that will hurt us in the long run. Nobody is trying to rush her but I think considering the activity lately the said clarification would be nice sooner then later. I will try to be more sensitive :)

Jan 17, 2012 03:06PM
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