Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

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Message: We need our wealthy shareholders to start giving!

The concerned shareholders of SLI are giving their support to the Green Team. Thank God for the working class and their generosity!

Now, how about the wealthy amongst us sending in the thousands needed to help the Green Team win?

Yes, that’s what it takes to win…thousands of dollars! The costs to prepare for a trial are huge and we have to give now to assure that the Green Teams wins!

My attorney estimated the cost of this litigation at about $350,000+.

Do you actually think that cost should or can be borne by just a few of our concerned shareholders? Are you going to let a few working Canadians pay for this battle on their own? Thank God for those that have helped so far! The rest of us need to step up now.

Look…If you voted Green then give generously…do you really want to give up or worse yet see the Green Team lose? Losing is not an option!

I’m not giving up…come on you wealthy guys, join me. This is doable only with all of the shareholders’ financial support.

Think about this…if you don’t help, the Green Team could lose. Just where do you think the value of your shares will be at that point?

Please don’t wait for a court date announcement to give? Your donation now could be the one that gives us a win and that sends our share price climbing!

I’ve made up my mind and I’m giving my support “now” so that the Green Team can win! Will you all please join me?

Tired of my posts…Send in a big check!


Please send a Cheque payable to: Garry B. Ollis Prof Corp

Mail Address: Hastman

Box 3428

Spruce Grove, Alberta

T7X 3A7


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