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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Re: We need our wealthy shareholders to start giving!

I commend you for giving to the Green Team; there are many that have given twice, three, four or several times, and we must continue to give for this to succeed. All that is happening behind the scenes must remain behind the scenes; they cannot be putting their stategic plan of attack on a public board for everyone to know, as you have seen in last 2 months how many we trusted have become turncoats and given away information to other side. If there is a mole the Green Team must keep everything private to only a trusted few. I would love to know to what is happening as well, but we have to trust those that are working for our best interests. We have believed and trusted them up to now, and we must continue to trust them. I believe we are now waiting for a court date, but you see how fast the justice system takes, so all we can do is wait. I also hope everyone continues to give support as every little bit helps. Thank You.

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