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Message: IGD news

As the story goes, Earl Hope was intimidated by a party of Lori,s many years ago, during his early days with SLI. I must say I am surprised to see Earls name on this list at this time.

To further, its quite conspicuous when management was downloading a lot of shares prior to this IGD PP at prices ~ 10-13 cents, then turn around and get more shares at less than half price. To further, when Lori downloaded a lot of SLI shares during the collapse of the SLI stockprice in last year couple years, you did not see her make this same effort in filling the SLI PP. If you are looking for another act of INTENT at destroying SLI, I believe it may be very easily demonstrated here once again. Even though fudiciary duty is a gray area on the TSXV, there should be no mistake in identifying that all recent directors of SLI, excluding Murray, have breached this policy of corporate governance.

If David Baines was still writing for the Vancouver Sun, he would have had a field day with Lori and her antics.

I read just the other night, that in the U.S., perhaps close to a dozen marriages have , have one of the spouses being a high ranking politician, while the other has an appreciable position in one of the mainstream medias. A huge conflict of interest with a blatant controlling agent. As we have recently seen with Amanda Lang, it is starting to be exposed here in Canada as well. It is no secret that the media is fully controlled here in Canada, but this has already begun to break down in the last few years, with CBC covering some of the important stories that are kept from the public. As I have been watching the alternative news sources the last several years, their track record is amazing at prophetically producing what is being hidden from the main populace, by these controlled mainstream medias. And no, these alternative news sources are not "satire", they have used this guise as a means of protection from being hindered by laws, until they could get enough of the truth out there to people. Satire sites are also used by governments to depict an air of distraction and confusion around these sites, in attempts at discrediting the other sites, by trying to make alternative news sites, look ludicrous.

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