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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: To Lynn and other Canadians - Sharky

Jan 07, 2009 12:09PM

Jan 08, 2009 11:48AM

Hi Sharky,

Predictions, are difficult in normal times.

And, in reviewing a number of forcasters' 'forcasts' for 2009, I would say they were all very wrong and have been usually wrong each year that I can remember.

So, for me to predict at a crisis time like this is that much more difficult.

But my opinion is this:

Alberta will continue to follow the money while attempting to do what they can to be enviromentally responsible. Alberta does need higher prices for oil, gas and bitumen, so when those higher prices happen it will be business as usual.

Alberta is already very involved in world leading research with regard to looking after carbon dioxide emissions etc but has not, to my knowladge, made all their findings public yet. My opinion is that probably no other Canadian province, American state, or for that matter any other country in this world has done more in this area of research.

So, I find it most incredible that people from many other areas of the world 'finger point' at Alberta. The new President of the USA and the Governor of California are two high profile examples of this kind of conduct.

However this kind of human conduct has been going on for years, so it is probably unreasonable to expect people to change. "It is always easier to criticize what others are doing rather than what you are doing."

This is how I see it.

Best Wishes,


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