Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Dondon and Rebels 1 : A Question


If you feel so positive about contributing to the "Connacher Management Welfare and Gratuity Plan", then feel free to make my contribution for me. Frankly, I am getting tired of these people spending our money like it was their personal property with no accountability, nor even an attempt to communicate to shareholders in a timely, honest and forthright manner. All the while enriching themselves through the benefit of having we lowly common shareholders pay to reward themselves with additional shares they get free of charge each time they dilute our holdings. A dilution to which they are of course exempt. And no, don't tell me to sell and move on. My shares will be sold but, only at a time that I feel is right. Meanwhile, I will continue to comment when and how I see fit as to the greedy, confiscatory, rapacious behavior of management. As to the comparison to UTS. Please observe, their SP is still 75% in excess of ours. Which is obviously the only metric that counts!

Perhaps it is appropriate for all here to begin paying attention to their own welfare and less to that of management. Obviously, a task management has amply demonstrated they are particularly capable of managing. Would that they were only as capable of managing this company for the benefit of "non insider" shareholders!


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