Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: PDP emulates its older sister CLL and is destined to fail Dondon

Mar 25, 2010 03:44PM

Mar 25, 2010 03:51PM

"I'm betting on the future,how's this presently the costs of Connachers present production are out of whack "

people who focus on the short term are called "myopic"there are the opposite to that people like dondon and previously myself. Those people who obsess with the long term ignoring the short term, they are "hyperopiac"

I have no probem to be invested for the future and that is what we are all doing. But are we going to around to see the future is the questions.
Dondon, tell me if CLL/PDP management is doing the rigt thing to help us survive the uncertain future. Assume that in year the jittery market crashes and oil goes to 40, can cll survive again, issuing more shares and more debt to do it not surving.

The recovery of the capital markets surprised me, it recovered so fast that now it is destinied to crash in the next two years. The govermnet packied and inject the stimulus , resutling in the fast recovery. THe market should recover slowly and steadly.

Cll should invest the cash flow to increase light oil production, try to produce 10 to 20 k in colombia within a year and merge companies or cell the pdp shares . THe shares are now about 10milling from 200 million. 200 millin can substattially reduce cll debt or help fund the light oil and help us survive to see the50,000 oil. Otherwised, cll' future hangs precariosly.


Mar 28, 2010 03:43PM

Mar 28, 2010 03:59PM

Mar 28, 2010 10:46PM
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