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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Who is actually representing the KRY shareholders


How it has to be done:

1.- The balance of the arbitration award is collected through the U.S. District Court;

2.- The Special Master collects the money and distributes it to the judgement creditors based on the priority assigned (KRY is first in line). But since the Bankruptcy Court issued an order requiring the funds colleted to be deposited with the Court until it resolves the shareholders' claims, the Special Master is required by law to do so.

3.- The 88-12% split will be an important part of the review by the Bankruptcy Court. It can decide a different split based on its findings, the law and the equities but only after the review is completed. 

4.- The Bankruptcy Court will only have authority on the amount deposited with the Court, but will need to take into account the funds collected under the authority of the Canadian Court.

5.- Per the Chapter 15 statute, there should be an agreement between the courts to execute a distribution plan that covers the entire property of the estate (the property in Canada and the U.S.).


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