Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Re: Preparations underway for Hungary-Slovakia gas line - John et al

In addition to the other pipeline reported earlier. Will be ready for the 2012 production.

Interesting timing eh! Just speculation but what are the chances that MOL would end up taking over Exxon's position if Exxon doesn't move to phase 2? MOL reported some very positive comments on the natural gas indications from the Mindzent well, even though there were problems with the well itself. If MOL is convinced the gas is there NOW and has a strong feeling that the improvements in extraction from tight sands and shale will eventually break open the Mako Trough, then they might step in as a 66% partner after the late February deadline?? MOL has, of course, a much stronger national interest in what happens to Falcon's side of the Trough, but they also have a fairly strong interest in blocking other companies, like Statoil or even Surgut, from moving in on a very strategic resource in their back yard.

Regards Paul

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