Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Re: Preparations underway for Hungary-Slovakia gas line - John et al

>Just speculation but what are the chances that MOL would end up taking over Exxon's position if Exxon doesn't move to phase 2?

What is really interesting that you keep clinging to this notion that ‘if Exxon walks’. There’s absolutely no supporting evidence to this. Why would they walk? After all, as you just said MOL was impressed with their findings in the Mindszent and Hod-1 wells, and Exxon was party to those operations.

As for acreage in the Hungarian unconventional plays, MOL has more than any other foreign players combined, so there’s room for other players, however Exxon has the inside track, I would think.

The other matter is Exxon’s end of February deadline. Just bury the thought. The announcement will be on March 1st or March 2nd depending on your arithmetic.

Regards John

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