Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Music in my ears.....(wraping it up)

Sometimes it was music to my ears,what I was reading here and sometimes it was exactly the opposite.

Sometimes soly helped a great bit,on the contrary TK can not be charged for his jumping ship and words of horror.

To invest in FO seemed to be an affordable deal in terms of all available aspects.

After the years have passed several different kind of serious concerns had come up to my mind.

What I meant to say or what I thought I said clearly,the next couple of weeks will show the outcome and will certainly gain center stage in the MAKO TROUGH.

No more 60 - 90 days,no more guesswork or speculation,EXXON will be telling the truth,because if they will be alongside with Falcon for another two years,we can believe what they believe,like you are properly used to announce in your posts for years.

BOTOH we could bid good bye to our dreams.

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