Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: To all: (So, the consensus is)

"What I want to know is what is management going to do in their five year plan?" 

Wolfpack, I don't know if it is 5 year plan that was discussed at the SHM. The plan/desire as I heard it is to aquire 1or 2 or 3 companies and then "meld" them into one supper company. JT talked about how he has done that ( melding 3 companies) and then brought the one company public. As I recall DP made reference to the same thing happening or could happen or the plan is... They also stressed that they don't want to act in haste and screw things up. I think they feel this is a golden opportunity to really make a great company with "sustainable and reliable profits".  After the guy from S and L spoke the bare bones facts I have to think that this PTSC board is making plans as though the case has already been settled in PTSC's favor. They are keeping another plan for a worse case scenario but that is not their emphasis. TPL seems to be preparing for the case settlement requiring more staff to handle the licensing. JT talked about wanting the company to produce a product that people could identify in someway and that was " measurable".  Capital could be raised now but at what rate. It was stressed by JT that the company has no debt. I agree with the board (my perception) that patience is in order untill the settlement is concluded.  The price could vault higher for a while with some scheme, but I think these people are looking at a long term success. I personally think they are also thinking of creating a company that will be sold in 3-5 years, and for much more than what ever settlement is achieved. I/we missed you at the meeting. I believe that you would have picked up on many comments and gotten others to make some. I came away disappointed for the short term, but more confident about the longer term - 4-5 months and out to 3-5 years. GLTAL

Oct 25, 2007 06:52AM
Oct 25, 2007 07:12AM

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