Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re:Mike, thanks, but you must realize it's all still mainly conspiracy based
Feb 27, 2014 04:03PM
Feb 27, 2014 04:14PM

and your reply is absent of the kind of facts that a Shareholder can use to assess today's investment potential by looking ahead and attempting to draw positive conclusions from.

Your refusal or inability to identify positive points for investing in PTSC speaks volumes about how even those who refuse to accept how much more risky we have become, are relying on little more than hope to justify holding their current position. You are no different than those of us who are not afraid to expose the very negative trapped and uncertain environment we find ourselves in; you just don't want to admit it in posts.

FWIW .. I promise you, neither I nor Ron nor Lamberts, not Mark or Marc, or Laurie, nor many many many thousands of other PTSC investors want nothing more than the stock to move higher; and never have wanted anything other than that ... ever.

In your heart of hearts, I think you know what a fisasco this stock investment has been, almost entirely because of the terrible, foolish and failed leadership decisions of those at the top of PTSC.

Anyway, have a good weekend.

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