Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Brian...Tell us 10 positive actual facts... not only a senseless
Feb 27, 2014 04:03PM
Feb 27, 2014 04:14PM
Mar 01, 2014 08:39AM

but obviously hypocritical request because you as one of the olderst shareholders know that there have never been ten reasons but only ONE reason to get or be a shareholder of PTSC:

The MMP.

Unfortunately the construction of the MMP in 2005 was a failure with three parties being one a "terrific crook", one a typical not enterprising inventor and one party a small company with limited management capacities (and skills).

Never the less the first two years after the MMP's birth looked great for all parties with more than $200mio flowing in - but at this time no one was able to predict the legal and governmental changes and the massive powers which appeared to repel the claims of the patent owners.

So, at hindsight it's easy to say what went wrong but after I took the time to read some of our early posts on Agoracom from 2004/2005 I have to ask you a question:

You have vigorously fought against the company's management in 2004 and you continue to do so since years but you still seem to be a shareholder.
I cannot comprehend how someone holds stock of a company whose management he completely denies any capabilities and skills - if you really had any business experience you knew that there's only one thing which distinguishes a good from a bad company: management.

So either you ignore this essential fact for more than ten years now (which would be a surprising attitude for someone referring himself as being "the one who knows") or you are fully aware that PTSC could be one of the very seldom companies where management doesn't make the big difference (at least for a certain time as can be seen from 2005-2007) because their product is much, much bigger and stronger than any management - provided it finally gets confirmed which is the tactics from the infringers since the beginning to delay the final confirmation of the MMP through the highest courts of the US and which is the biggest uncertainty today whether the ITC decision will "reverse" the NDOC decision in the negotiations (of course not legally).
Hence my question:

Why do you hammer on the management for more than a decade knowing it doesn't make a difference for the success of the company, simply because the powers which decide about the MMP's fate are outside of the management's authority?
(Be aware I don't speak of the long term but the short term development.)

Mar 01, 2014 10:25AM
Mar 01, 2014 10:43AM
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