Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: name change - copy of letter to Mr. Chu and company
Dear Mr. Chu,
Approximately 2 weeks ago I e-mailed you with three questions regarding the impending name change. I wanted to know what steps, if any, the company was taking to avoid a repetition of the events surrounding the last name change – which disadvantaged many US investors and certainly made the stock more susceptible to manipulation. I also wished to know if the company would request a trading halt until all shares could be traded equally – and finally, what was the proposed date of the actual issuance of new shares – to allow US holders to either liquidate before again being trapped with untrade-able shares or to transfer them to a Canadian exchange. You stated you would present my concerns to management – but to date I have received no response. Please let me know the status of my request –as my next steps are to transfer my shares and request the IIROC and SEC monitor the process around the next name change.
Yours very truly
John Rubinstein
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