Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: :UPDATED Opel refuses to do prior update on rule etc

In your case, it probably doesn't matter if you plan to hold to infinity and beyond - but there are several sceneraios where being frozen in place could be detrimental. Supoosing the stock soars on rumor, actual interest from a major player, BAE validation for commercial scale fabrication -etc. Then if the not unusual "sell the news" kicks in - you can't place your protective trailing stop. Last time the stock soared on the Pelligrino report - but when I wanted to get out for a double (well below the $1.80 high -but that's my bad!) - I couldn't.

It has been stated on this board that the company has to broaden its investor base - namely the US retail market. US investors want to feel that management wants to protect their interests as much as other shareholders. I do not glean much comfort from the arguement that this is new management - as all previous iterations of management were touted as having our interests at heart -until they weren't. I would feel much better with a straight answer to my questions to management.

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