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Message: New insights from this study -- Questions for scientists.

I encourage anyone to read through these studies.   I have learned quite a few things from this one that are quite encouraging.   Even if you just read the highlights, you will note that BD specific BETi's are a much superior and safer solution to pan-BETi drugs for chronic diseases.

Also new is the review of RVX-2197.  It has a 175-fold selectively for BD2 vs apabetalone, and is comparable in some aspects to Apa5 (apabetalone at 5 uM's).   Apa20 was also reviewed.

One new aspect that I found interesting is that that apabetalone at higher doses than 15 uM starts to act somewhat like a pan-BETi.  So higher doses of apabetalone might not be the solution where its impact on a given disease might be insufficient.   

BETonMace used 100 mg capsules but I forget if it was taken once or twice a day.  

My questions to the scientists here are: 

Was BETonMace 100mg or 200mg per day?

How do I convert say 5 uMs of apabetalone into mg's? I think its molecular weight needs to be known to do the conversion somehow.  Bottom line I want to determine if the dosage we used in BETonMace was closer to a Apa5 dose (highly BD selective) or Apa20 dose (somewhat pan-BET inhibiting).


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