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Message: Re: New insights from this study -- Questions for scientists.

  You May have to go back to the results of the 1st P1 dosing study trial to get the answers your looking for. I recall reading those results shortly after getting involved in this saga around 13 years ago.

tada, thanks but the problem I was trying to solve was an epigenetic one - specifically about dose-dependent BD selectivity.  If memory serves, the 1st PH1 trials RVX did where done when we didn't even know that rvx-208 was working at an epigenetic level, so there wouldn't be any epigenetic data from back then.  No one was talking about transcription, acetalysation of histone tails, BRDs and BD selectivity etc. With a little sleuthing and excellent guidance from BearDownAZ, I am confident I found the right answer to my question. 

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