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,,acchh...for the record,,this board has given all an opportutnity to understand in much greater depth the workings of our investment. Mostly by 3rd parties out side of what the management team has offered. Yes,,,,I contacted the Bill Gates organization twice..second time it made confirmation of receiving the info. And yes for the record,,when third party data was released to the market in journals and other this board couldnt understand why the team was not spreading thier footprint out in the direction the data pointed. Golf and others did and it was this boards communal forward thinking that might have triggered the RVX team to react. Cant be proven at our level that our input focused the team in that direction or not. The point is the minions at times showed more proactivity than the team. Along with such facts where the free to the world AIDS remedy touted by our team has never been acted upon from any international or other group, no info released to date,,this has been now years and not one world group has taken RVX up on the offer...Odd,,,so odd it makes one think the team is thought of to be that incompetent that RVX is not worth entertaining. These posters who have offered unwavering support for a management team which has proven for many years that they are second string tell their story to readers. No explanation required. We know what needs to happen,,,in fact the majority of investors and certainly those on the sidelines know as well,,,,,the house cleaning 101,,it was Spring,,now Summer and still this compnay is becalmed. Dead $$$ for years out. Will the insiders have the spoils??,,possibly is my guess. But I nor anyone here has next weeks news paper!



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