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Wideout, please accept my apology in the lateness of my response to your constructive, cogent and erudite critique of the AGM voting stats.


Throughout my life I have always sought to learn from those my much wiser than me and even though I’m a slow learner I’ve found that through persistence I’m able to shape my thinking such that I am able to get by. Actually that is how I got my honours degree in pure math, probability and statistics…hard work.


Unlike yourself, I do not have the benefit of the inside track to shape my understanding. I can only judge and interpret RVX from performance (business and scientific) and the quality of discourse I receive, usually from the CEO, thus, I’m sure you can understand my POV.


Critical reasoning involves the ability to actively and skillfully conceptualize, analyze, question and evaluate ideas and beliefs.


I enjoy your posts and it has made me curious about which school of critical discourse has shaped your intellect.

  1. Are you from the concise mathematical school of logic developed by Bertrand Russell in the Principia Mathematica, written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. I must admit I struggled my way through it.
  2. Are you a student of Ernest Nagel and James Roy Newman in their book Gödel’s Proof “On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems”?
  3. Perhaps the more contempory “A Concise Introduction to Logic” by Patrick J Hurley would be a fruitful investment?

There are many choices. What pathway do you recommend I take on my journey to improved critical thinking?


Please enlighten me, nay, the entire Agora board…so that we may all become more productive posters. Of course, that is not to infer that others require the same degree of help as me!    :)


I have more to say on the AGM vote results so please stay tuned in anticipation.



ADED (all day every day)


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