Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: 10-Q Issued: Loans by Brett, Directors, Briscoe

 "...not impressed by the amount of "skin in the game".

Hm, well, I would have to disagree.  JB is owed 10+ years of salary he has not taken.  Then, some of our other board members have not only taken positions on the open market, but they've also lost years and years worth of options that have expired worthless - not to mention unrewarded other personal time and emotional investment. 

Options are where the very big rewards come from for board members of public companies that do well, so the loss of the potential to exercise options is very much akin to the loss of "skin in the game", and more so than just simply watching the value of the stock erode.  In other words, board members have more "skin in the game" than many of us realize.

My thoughts anyway.


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