Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: 10-Q Issued: Loans by Brett, Directors, Briscoe

I am OK with JB believing so much in his work.  That the Hay Mountain is a rain maker or an Hay Maker. The thing about JB is that he has believed for a long long time as some of us here.  He is a committed person to the mission and KY/SG here really likes the stick with it attitude plus SRK likes the whole idea as does Geotech.  We do know that Geotech has grown to be a very respected GIANT in the World of Geological analysis for Air to Ground surveys, surveys of almost every config and JB was with them at the start!  Now the new BOD with expierenced financial backgrounds,, all of these are ++/plus plus to me!  So keep on digging JB and new BOD!  We will be reading about that Golden Shovel announcment one of these days!  KY/SG !

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