A World leader in advanced plasma processes

Being commercialized in multiple applications around the world including plasma torches, Industrial 3D printing powders, aluminum & zinc dross recovery, waste management and defence - 4 US aircraft carriers

Message: Re: Questions for Peter and PYR Management


Dear HPQAnon,




I would have thought you would have been satisfied with the credibility of my answers to you in my previous post, and that would have encouraged you to at least investigate the claims your handlers ask you to regurgitate before you further undermine your credibility.


To hide behind the thinly veiled excuse of seeking the truth, while executing plans of predatory short sellers, is not lost on me or others who read your “questions”.  




With respect to Question 1 you say “…Perhaps the majority of this first point could have been avoided with more effective auditing…”.


Let me remind you that our financials have been audited for the past 5 years by a tier 1 audit firm; KPMG.  It does not get much better than that. We audit and present our financials as instructed to by those who are professionals and experts in the matter given the facts.  I humbly submit that the problem is often times not with the financials, but by the challenged person reading them.


Now let us take your journey for truth to another level…what you want someone to believe is that there is something nefarious going on.  I will remind you that, since last fall, we have completed two up listings plus a brokered prospectus offering, the prospectus offering of which was scrutinized by lawyers, accountants, and regulators.  As is customary in such transactions, the investors had their own set of lawyers scrutinizing the transaction as well.  All passed with flying colors.  So, I guess you would have us believe that the problem is not you, but the effectiveness of the auditing, as well as the legal review, and and and …but not you.


Let us now take your question to an even higher level…Let us assume that you believe PyroGenesis should have paid zero rent.  Nothing. Absolutely free.  Even you can see how unreasonable that would be.  Even in this most unreasonable scenario the total amount of rent you thought we were paying was $68,000/year (it actually is around $217,000 for that space but the point is the same).  Do you realize that I own approx. 50% of Pyro and that moving $$$ to a private company from a public company that is valued on multiples of profitability (or how close it is to obtaining such) makes no financial sense at all?  Are you seriously holding yourself out to be financially literate?  


The balance of your request re: question1 is asking me to break down our 70 employees between work locations and white collar.  This is just too much, and I believe I have given you ample information to close this line of questioning.


Case closed




With respect to Question 2 you point out that “…I’m not attempting to “degradate (not a word) your father…”.


First, you are right, it is a typo that escaped me, sorry…but how can you say you are not “degradating” my father if you claim “degradate” is not a word? Whatever…


Second, you are claiming that the patents owned by PyroGenesis are obfuscated with foreign entity ownership.  You state “…What’s up with all the obfuscated foreign entities…?”   Are you serious…this dates back to March 2011 at the time when PyroGenesis went public via an RTO which was predominately financed by sophisticated funds/Institutions?  That RTO had a concurrent financing of roughly $7MM which was predominately funded by institutions.  The counsel for the investors insisted the IP be brought onshore and into PyroGenesis’ patrimony.  The IP was identified and brought into the patrimony of PyroGenesis Canada Inc all to the satisfaction of the institutional investors and their counsel.  Since that time and after many audits everyone is satisfied.   


All the other companies you reference, list, and ask “…what’s up with all the discrepancies ?...” (ex. Phoenix & Associates which was a consulting company I worked for before PyroGenesis ever came into existence) predate and have nothing to do with PyroGenesis Canada Inc. You do know that I worked at other companies before PyroGenesis? I am 61 y/o.  I will not help you do the math but would consider buying you a calculator if you need one… lol. The question is not “…what’s up with all the discrepancies ?...”, but how stupid can you be and how stupid do you think PyroGenesis investors are?


I am actually complemented by the fact that you are now so desperate that after all your hard work to discredit me, my father, my family, and a good company, you have come up with nothing…zero…donut hole…nada...and you are now desperately looking for anything your handlers will throw your way… even to the extent of questioning details that predate PyroGenesis’ existence….over 20 years ago…lol…




Case closed.




You close by saying that “…if I am in any way misinformed let me know. I am not a short, I don't know anyone currently shorting the company (or anyone who ever has), and I/no one I know stands to gain anything financially from any material drops in the share price. In fact, as it stands today, I am still a (albeit small by most people's standards) shareholder and have been since February…”


Please…Stop pissing down our backs and telling us it’s raining.  You are not a short? Right. You are a long right? You say “…albeit a small position…” right?  All this was done because you have a small, long position?  If that is right, I suggest you get out of investing in stocks…PyroGenesis and everything else you have.  IMHO, you do not seem to have the minimum intelligence to understand what’s going on.




In conclusion, I have answered your questions the past two days in great detail.  I have concluded that you are either (i) a predatory short seller or (ii) a long who should not be investing. I do not think I want to give you the benefit of my time if you are a predatory short seller, and I do not think I should be engaging you if I think you are lacking the maturity to be an investor…that would not be prudent.  As such I will not be engaging with you on this forum in the future.  As you said yourself after these second serious of questions you would “…leave me be…”. I have done my part, now you can do yours.




Hope that Helps,




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